The Biggest Causes of Poor Gas Mileage

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Tue, 04/12/2022 - 15:05

It can be concerning when you notice a drop in fuel efficiency. And with the constant fluctuations in gas prices, you’ll want to prolong how often you’re shelling out gas money. So what are the common causes of poor gas mileage? Let’s talk about how you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your mileage and what you can do if these problems happen to you.

Finding an Auto Shop for Your Small Fleet

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 11:18

Fleet cars, such as any service industry vehicle, can be a challenge to maintain for small business owners. However, every second a vehicle spends in an auto maintenance shop means another second that it won’t be bringing in revenue. That’s why fleet managers need to stay on top of that maintenance schedule by getting the proper fleet services.

If running a highly efficient fleet company is critical to your bottom line, you already know the importance of having as little downtime as possible for your fleet. So, what should you look for when you need fleet services for your vehicles?

What Should I Do If My Check Engine Light Comes On?

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Thu, 02/24/2022 - 09:44
You’re driving down the road when all of a sudden, the check engine light appears. It’s an alarming situation that’s most likely happened to everyone and a scenario that immediately sparks concern over whether you should keep driving or pull over. Here are the steps you should follow next time to feel confident when that pesky light comes on.

Proactive Vehicle Maintenance

They say prevention is the best medicine. While this goes for us humans, as it turns out, the same applies to vehicle maintenance, too. We get it—it can be a bit of a hassle to remember to change the fluids or check your battery and tires on a routine basis. But what are minor inconveniences now can become major expenses down the road.

What Causes A Car Wheel To Become Misaligned?

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Thu, 02/10/2022 - 09:06
Wheel alignment is one of the many areas in your car that need to be maintained to ensure that your vehicle is safe to drive. Imagine you’re driving down the highway, but your vehicle suddenly pulls to the left or right, making it challenging to stay on the road. This scenario is a case of wheel misalignment.

Local Boise Auto Repair Shops

When it comes to finding the best car repair services, you have a couple of options. You can choose to go back to the auto dealership you purchased your vehicle from, or to go with a local mechanic. Often the choice comes down to just a few fine points, including affordability, convenience, and trust.

Interestingly, the National Institute for Automotive Excellence finds that 70% of car owners in the US choose to go to their local repair shop— even when their new car is still under dealership warranty.

Hybrid Vehicles

We live in a world that is increasingly ‘going green’ and hybrid vehicles are just one of many signs of the times. As the popularity of hybrid cars continues to grow, nearly every international car manufacturer either produces or plans to produce hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or battery electric vehicles. Some manufacturers have already halted production of internal combustion engines, while others have committed dates on their calendars marking the beginning of their hybrid-only production plans.

Everything You Need to Know About Tire Rotation

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Thu, 11/04/2021 - 15:24
In the world of vehicle maintenance -- tires are, literally, where the rubber meets the road. Tire rotation is crucial for the safety and reliability of your car, and tires are a fairly significant investment. With tires being such a major piece of the transportation puzzle, it's smart to understand tire rotation and everything that goes into it.
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