Fleet cars, such as any service industry vehicle, can be a challenge to maintain for small business owners. However, every second a vehicle spends in an auto maintenance shop means another second that it won’t be bringing in revenue. That’s why fleet managers need to stay on top of that maintenance schedule by getting the proper fleet services.
What Should I Do If My Check Engine Light Comes On?

You’re driving down the road when all of a sudden, the check engine light appears. It’s an alarming situation that’s most likely happened to everyone and a scenario that immediately sparks concern over whether you should keep driving or pull over. Here are the steps you should follow next time to feel confident when that pesky light comes on.
What Causes A Car Wheel To Become Misaligned?

Wheel alignment is one of the many areas in your car that need to be maintained to ensure that your vehicle is safe to drive. Imagine you’re driving down the highway, but your vehicle suddenly pulls to the left or right, making it challenging to stay on the road. This scenario is a case of wheel misalignment.
Caring for Your Brakes During the Winter

We all know by now, year-round vehicle maintenance is imperative. However, making sure your car, and specifically, your brakes, are ready to hit the road during the winter months is crucial. Maintaining your brakes can help avoid costly repairs and disruptions to your life.
Everything You Need to Know About Tire Rotation

In the world of vehicle maintenance -- tires are, literally, where the rubber meets the road. Tire rotation is crucial for the safety and reliability of your car, and tires are a fairly significant investment. With tires being such a major piece of the transportation puzzle, it's smart to understand tire rotation and everything that goes into it.
5 Things to Consider When Looking for a Local Mechanic

We’ve all been there. The “what’s that sound?” or the “Where is THAT leak coming from?!” Car repair is an inevitable and important part of maintaining the performance of your vehicle. To keep those “CLUNK-KER-CHUNK, Oh No!” moments to a minimum.
Oil Change FAQs

Unless a dark puddle greets you under your car, a warning light on your dash, or enough smoke coming out of your tailpipe to worry the Boise fire department -- the oil in your vehicle's engine is usually out of sight, out of mind.
The Correct Tire Pressure for Your Car

Your tires a literally the most important (and only thing!) between you and the road.
They have a big job to do (stopping, turning, traction, performing at speed, under load, etc) and that’s why the proper tire pressure is so important to maintain, no matter how you drive.
Emissions Testing Requirements in Southern Idaho

While the requirements for smog and emissions testing in Idaho may differ from other states, understanding the requirements and how (and where!) to test can save you time, money, and a lot of hassle down the road.