Don't Let Winter Wear Down Your Diesel Engine

By Naylor's Auto Repair on Thu, 12/17/2020 - 11:18

As the cooler temperatures start to creep in, your diesel engine is not a fan and can experience significant wear during the winter months. Before the weather continues to cool off or get any worse than it may be already, there are a few diesel engine maintenance tips to keep in mind to protect your engine through the seasonal weather.

Test Your Block Heater

Unfortunately, many diesel owners do not take advantage of their block heater in the winter weather. Check along your front bumper to determine if your diesel model has a block heater. When the winter is below freezing, having that heater available can be lifesaving. Go ahead and have your block heater tested to make sure that it is working properly. 

Update Your Maintenance With Anti-Gel Additives

Unlike gasoline, when diesel gets too cold, it develops a gel-like texture which is harmful to your engine. Most fuels start to gel somewhere around the 20-degree mark or just below freezing, which is why the anti-gel additives to your fuel are critical as long as you are expecting this seasonal weather. This additive mixes with the diesel within your vehicle and keeps it from developing corrosion as well. 

Change Oil Weight In the Winter

When you change your diesel oil through these cooler months, it is a good practice to lower the oil weight moving through your engine. This allows the oil to move easier through the engine and keep from clogging or developing a clot in the system due to the colder weather temperatures. While heavier oil is great for your diesel in the spring and summer months, make sure this season has the right weight funneling through the system. 

Freshen Up With a New Oil Filter

When you change your engine oil for your diesel, you want to change the filter, even if it doesn't seem to be that bad. Because this filter holds small amounts of diesel in the filter from oil funneling through, it could harden on the coldest days and cause your engine to fail when you try to start it. 

Flush Your Engine Coolant

While engine coolant is a must for your diesel engine, it is important to check it a couple of times throughout the winter. When the coolant mixes over the season with cold temperatures, the acid in the coolant could cause corrosion if it is not flushed regularly. Bringing it into a service center once every six weeks allows a team of technicians to inspect the coolant and make sure that if it does get replaced, it is done so safely to minimize corrosion and damage to your engine. 

Invest In A Great Mechanic

One of the best things you can do to protect your diesel engine is to invest in a diesel mechanic that you trust for maintenance services and has your best interest in mind. Having someone to call when you have a problem or need to schedule service is just as essential as the maintenance tips above. 

If you are looking for that service center, contact Naylor's Auto Repair today. You can easily schedule an appointment online or give us a call to speak with one of our representatives.